Malaysia Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Malaysia

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Air Mileage Chart of Malaysia

Distance (miles)
Kota Bharu
Kuala Lumpur
Johor Bahru
Petaling Jaya
Shah Alam
Kota Kinabalu
George Town
Kuala Terengganu
Sungai Petani
Kota Bharu 209 337 132 642 213 217 951 1,091 236 176 1,085 140 83 125
Kuala Lumpur 209 183 108 607 6 14 1,009 1,146 34 121 1,119 183 180 191
Johor Bahru 337 183 283 455 183 189 904 1,035 152 163 994 360 268 365
Ipoh 132 108 283 672 110 109 1,036 1,176 142 164 1,158 77 150 83
Kuching 642 607 455 672 610 618 500 612 587 509 554 741 561 736
Petaling Jaya 213 6 183 110 610 9 1,013 1,151 33 126 1,123 183 185 193
Shah Alam 217 14 189 109 618 9 1,023 1,159 37 135 1,132 182 192 191
Kota Kinabalu 951 1,009 904 1,036 500 1,013 1,023 141 1,000 890 173 1,083 890 1,071
Sandakan 1,091 1,146 1,035 1,176 612 1,151 1,159 141 1,136 1,028 110 1,223 1,031 1,212
Seremban 236 34 152 142 587 33 37 1,000 1,136 122 1,106 216 198 225
Kuantan 176 121 163 164 509 126 135 890 1,028 122 1,005 234 105 232
Tawau 1,085 1,119 994 1,158 554 1,123 1,132 173 110 1,106 1,005 1,212 1,019 1,202
George Town 140 183 360 77 741 183 182 1,083 1,223 216 234 1,212 193 19
Kuala Terengganu 83 180 268 150 561 185 192 890 1,031 198 105 1,019 193 183
Sungai Petani 125 191 365 83 736 193 191 1,071 1,212 225 232 1,202 19 183

Map of Malaysia with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Malaysia