Katsina Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Katsina

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Air Mileage Chart of Katsina

Distance (miles)
Ungwan Zakara
Dan Makeri
Katsina 103 83 48 60 12 20 102 35 97 16 113 17 96 21
Funtua 103 28 125 132 112 88 21 111 148 99 10 90 8 106
Malumfashi 83 28 98 106 90 65 19 85 120 76 37 68 21 82
Daura 48 125 98 11 39 115 16 50 37 134 45 117 29
Zango 60 132 106 11 50 57 121 27 40 48 142 56 124 40
Kaita 12 112 90 39 50 25 109 27 89 16 122 22 104 15
Daura 20 88 65 57 25 84 30 89 11 98 3 80 19
Ungwan Zakara 102 21 19 115 121 109 84 103 132 94 26 86 17 100
Shabou 35 111 85 16 27 27 30 103 63 21 121 29 103 14
Dan Makeri 97 148 120 50 40 89 89 132 63 83 156 89 140 76
Caranbi 16 99 76 37 48 16 11 94 21 83 109 9 91 9
Baraji 113 10 37 134 142 122 98 26 121 156 109 100 17 116
Beguwa 17 90 68 45 56 22 3 86 29 89 9 100 83 17
Makera 96 8 21 117 124 104 80 17 103 140 91 17 83 98
Kwaiya 21 106 82 29 40 15 19 100 14 76 9 116 17 98

Map of Katsina with Flight Distances

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