Borno Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Borno

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Air Mileage Chart of Borno

Distance (miles)
Bula Bul
Maiduguri 107 42 80 53 55 65 80 64 156 35 98 45 117 76
Biu 107 119 183 153 53 171 185 107 50 89 204 85 221 174
Bama 42 119 68 39 68 80 97 30 168 75 109 83 134 104
Gamboru 80 183 68 30 129 45 58 96 232 113 57 122 85 80
Dikwa 53 153 39 30 99 48 66 68 202 88 74 98 101 80
Damboa 55 53 68 129 99 120 134 63 103 48 152 49 171 127
Monguno 65 171 80 45 48 120 18 110 221 88 32 96 55 35
Kukawa 80 185 97 58 66 134 18 127 233 99 21 106 38 26
Gwoza 64 107 30 96 68 63 110 127 152 89 139 96 165 133
Maikaho 156 50 168 232 202 103 221 233 152 135 253 130 268 221
Mainuk 35 89 75 113 88 48 88 99 89 135 119 9 132 85
Baga 98 204 109 57 74 152 32 21 139 253 119 126 28 45
Benisheikh 45 85 83 122 98 49 96 106 96 130 9 126 139 91
Bula Bul 117 221 134 85 101 171 55 38 165 268 132 28 139 48
Gudumbali 76 174 104 80 80 127 35 26 133 221 85 45 91 48

Map of Borno with Flight Distances

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