Kano Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Kano

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Air Mileage Chart of Kano

Distance (miles)
Unguwar Kudu
Sabon Birni
Gorondutse Cikin Gari
Dadin Kowa
Kano 30 40 45 17 42 21 47 46 45 42 9 89 39 29
Rano 30 50 68 18 62 10 66 63 60 65 22 60 47 52
Gwarzo 40 50 30 35 19 43 22 17 13 27 40 96 4 22
Unguwar Kudu 45 68 30 50 12 58 9 15 19 4 50 122 32 17
Kura 17 18 35 50 44 9 48 46 43 47 10 75 32 33
Sabon Birni 42 62 19 12 44 53 5 4 7 9 46 113 22 14
Bunkure 21 10 43 58 9 53 58 55 53 56 12 70 40 42
Galadanci 47 66 22 9 48 5 58 6 10 7 50 117 25 17
Gorondutse Cikin Gari 46 63 17 15 46 4 55 6 4 12 49 113 21 18
Yammawa 45 60 13 19 43 7 53 10 4 16 47 109 16 18
Tsanyawa 42 65 27 4 47 9 56 7 12 16 47 119 29 14
Tamburawa 9 22 40 50 10 46 12 50 49 47 47 81 38 34
Dadin Kowa 89 60 96 122 75 113 70 117 113 109 119 81 93 106
Getso 39 47 4 32 32 22 40 25 21 16 29 38 93 22
Bagwai 29 52 22 17 33 14 42 17 18 18 14 34 106 22

Map of Kano with Flight Distances

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