Pennsylvania Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Pennsylvania

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Air Mileage Chart of Pennsylvania

Distance (miles)
Pittsburgh 237 117 214 235 242 196 164 84 175 222 257 213 267 258
Allentown 237 262 30 57 5 59 78 153 80 50 48 37 44 38
Erie 117 262 249 234 265 244 211 142 231 226 298 227 301 293
Reading 214 30 249 75 35 29 51 130 50 63 48 43 54 45
Scranton 235 57 234 75 57 101 102 155 114 16 104 35 98 93
Bethlehem 242 5 265 35 57 63 83 158 85 51 47 40 42 37
Lancaster 196 59 244 29 101 63 34 115 23 86 61 66 72 63
Harrisburg 164 78 211 51 102 83 34 81 22 86 94 68 103 94
Altoona 84 153 142 130 155 158 115 81 96 140 175 130 184 175
York 175 80 231 50 114 85 23 22 96 99 83 80 94 86
Wilkes-Barre 222 50 226 63 16 51 86 86 140 99 97 21 93 88
Philadelphia 257 48 298 48 104 47 61 94 175 83 97 82 16 12
Hazleton 213 37 227 43 35 40 66 68 130 80 21 82 81 74
Bensalem 267 44 301 54 98 42 72 103 184 94 93 16 81 9
Abington 258 38 293 45 93 37 63 94 175 86 88 12 74 9

Map of Pennsylvania with Flight Distances

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