Sokoto Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Sokoto

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Air Mileage Chart of Sokoto

Distance (miles)
Sokoto 21 80 109 40 19 60 47 78 16 98 71 30 45 25
Gwadabawa 21 80 128 30 24 77 26 98 21 116 89 14 25 10
Isa 80 80 168 52 61 130 83 139 64 157 135 93 83 89
Fokku 109 128 168 147 122 53 153 31 122 12 39 130 152 127
Wurno 40 30 52 147 25 99 32 116 25 135 109 42 31 39
Rabah 19 24 61 122 25 76 44 91 4 111 85 39 43 34
Tambawal 60 77 130 53 99 76 101 27 75 42 17 78 100 75
Illela 47 26 83 153 32 44 101 123 42 142 115 25 1 26
Gwandi 78 98 139 31 116 91 27 123 91 19 10 101 122 98
Kogogo 16 21 64 122 25 4 75 42 91 110 84 35 40 30
Arawsaya 98 116 157 12 135 111 42 142 19 110 27 119 140 116
Mortuno 71 89 135 39 109 85 17 115 10 84 27 91 113 89
Goru 30 14 93 130 42 39 78 25 101 35 119 91 24 5
Amarawa 45 25 83 152 31 43 100 1 122 40 140 113 24 25
Salewa 25 10 89 127 39 34 75 26 98 30 116 89 5 25

Map of Sokoto with Flight Distances

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