Kwara Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Kwara

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Air Mileage Chart of Kwara

Distance (miles)
Ijagbo Offa
Isanlu Isin
Omu Aran
Ilorin 26 65 88 41 45 23 75 84 25 48 116 22 105 48
Ijagbo Offa 26 68 114 25 26 10 74 81 14 65 140 12 127 68
Lafiagi 65 68 114 49 54 58 15 25 54 35 157 57 153 44
Kaiama 88 114 114 123 129 109 129 138 110 79 49 108 58 70
Isanlu Isin 41 25 49 123 6 20 52 58 16 58 156 20 146 65
Omu Aran 45 26 54 129 6 23 55 61 20 65 161 23 150 71
Omupo 23 10 58 109 20 23 65 73 4 56 139 2 127 59
Lade 75 74 15 129 52 55 65 10 61 50 172 64 168 59
Pategi 84 81 25 138 58 61 73 10 68 60 181 71 178 69
Buari 25 14 54 110 16 20 4 61 68 53 141 4 130 58
Basita 48 65 35 79 58 65 56 50 60 53 122 54 121 9
Kosubosu 116 140 157 49 156 161 139 172 181 141 122 138 23 113
Owu-Obalayan 22 12 57 108 20 23 2 64 71 4 54 138 127 58
Okuta 105 127 153 58 146 150 127 168 178 130 121 23 127 112
Jebba 48 68 44 70 65 71 59 59 69 58 9 113 58 112

Map of Kwara with Flight Distances

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